How Chocolate Sundaes’ stream earned 700% more revenue than the channel’s other top 9 videos, combined
In under two months, Chocolate Sundaes’ total Watch Time increased by 114%. In just the month following its launch, Chocolate Sundaes’ 24/7 stream accounted for a whopping 47% of the channel’s Watch Time.That is over 136,000 hours of content viewed and monetised in less than a month!
On average, Chocolate Sundae viewers spent 39 more minutes watching the stream than any other channel content. Given ‘average viewer duration’ is incredibly important to YouTube’s recommendation engine, YouTube suggested the 24/7 stream to over 4.2 million people in it’s first 28 days.
In May, Chocolate Sundaes gained 2,200 new subscribers as a direct result of the 24/7 stream. That is an impressive 23% of their total subscriber growth.
Tribecast’s unique engagement tools (such as in-chat commands) mean that converting viewers to subscribers is more frictionless than ever before. Our tools can prompt viewers to subscribe the exact moment they show the most interest.
In May, the stream earned 700% more revenue than the channel’s other top 9 videos, combined.The stream accounts for 11% of the channel’s total revenue after only a couple of months.
Not only are Tribecast’s 24/7 streams a powerful growth and marketing tool, they present an unbelievable monetisation opportunity.